<maryamhas4@hotmail.fr> yang isinya menjanjikan uang dalam jumlah besar jika kita dapat membantu dia terlebih dahulu, modus penipuan ini mirip dengan modus penipuan lewat sms. untuk lebih jelasnya berikut saya tampilkan e-mail yang saya terima :
Maryam HassanKarena curiga, kemudian saya googling "Hajia Maryam Hassan" saya ingin tahu siapa sebenarnya Maryam Hassan, ternyata google banyak menemukan keywords tsb, saya baca satu persatu, diantaranya disini http://www.419baiter.com/games/maryamabacha.html lebih lengkap menjelaskan siapa Maryam Hassan dan bagaimana modusnya.Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 1:40 AM
Reply-To: maryamhas_1@hotmail.fr
To: maryamhas4@hotmail.fr
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Dearest in Islam,
Please, let this message not come to you as a surprise, but a divine duty.
I am Hajia Maryam Hassan, I am married to late Dr. Abdullah Hassan of blessed memory who was a Cocoa Merchant and an Oil Explorer in Cote d'Ivoire for many years before he died in the year 2003. We were married for twenty five years without a child, but we are both devoted Muslims. Since his death I too have been battling with both cancer and stroke. When my late husband was alive he deposited $1.2Million (One Million Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) with a community bank here in Cote d' Ivoire.
According to the doctor, my medical report quotes a very short life sperm due to my health status presently. May be I may still have another 3-4 weeks to live, that I do not know but Allah can say. That is just my faith as a deteriorating cancer patient.
Recently, I am been disturbs by my one sided paralyses due to stroke diagnoses. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a devoted Muslim individual or a Muslim organization that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein. I want an individual or a Muslim Organization to use this money in all sincerity to fund mosques, orphanages, widows, and also propagating the word of Allah and to ensure that the society upholds the views and belief of the holy Quran.
Our holy Quran emphasizes so much on Allah's benevolence and this has encouraged me to take the bold step. I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are very bad, in fact am suspecting them to be the one that killed my husband so that they will inherit all his wealth.
Meanwhile they have possessed some of my husband properties but this fund is not disclosed to them that is why I am searching for real brother or sister in Islam to assist in using this fund for the said purpose. And I don't want a situation where this money will be used in an unholy manner. Hence the reasons for this bold decision. I know that after my death I will be with Allah the most beneficent and the most merciful.
With Allah all things are possible. As soon as I receive your reply, I shall inform you the next step and your role in this matter. I want you and the Muslim community where you reside to always pray for me.
You will be entitled to 5% of the total amount for your time and kind assistance.
Thanks and Allah bless with you.
Hajia Maryam Hassan.
Sebenarnya bukan Maryam Hassan saja yang melakukan modus seperti ini, banyak yang lain, silahkan buka web ini http://www.419baiter.com/_scam_emails/419_emails_13022.html
Jadi saran saya Jangan terpengaruh oleh janji atau tawaran hadiah lewat e-mail, sebaiknya dihapus saja atau jika anda ragu, sebaiknya di cari tahu dulu, langkahnya bisa di Google saja. be carefull !!!!